The Coaching Habit Mind Map
One of the more interesting things in life is coaching. Coaching is an activity between two people were one person helps the other person to find answers (and sometimes the right questions) her/himself. The concept fits well with my experience that you cannot tell somebody to change. But with coaching you might help the other person to want to change. Or you actually learn more about the situation (consider "seek first to understand then to be understood") and realise that the other person doesn't need to change, maybe that you should be the one to change.
However, my coaching skills are by far not good enough. And here I found a book, that provides guidance by providing a set of seven simple questions that can carry a lot of the coaching load. The questions make sense and provide a simple framework for any coaching session. And by providing a framework they allow me to listen better since I don't need to consider a witty next question.
The book in question is Michael Bungay Stanier's "The Coaching Habit - Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever", published in 2016 by Box of Crayons Press. And as usually, I created a Mind Map in order to revisit the good book. I hope you like the book and the Map.

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